Friday, September 4, 2020

I Hate Bacon free essay sample

I abhor bacon. Everything about bacon, I can’t standâ€its smell, its oil, its shading. Particularly its taste. However every Sunday, for as far back as two years, I’ve made bacon. Plate and plate of bacon. I’ve contacted its crudeness and plotted its oil, all for the sake of Panera’s Bacon, Egg and Cheese on crusty bread sandwich for some discourteous client halting by after mass. God help us. Out of bacon. â€Å"Sir, I’m extremely unfortunately it will be around a brief hang tight for that; we need to make more bacon.† â€Å"How is this conceivable? Truly? A morning meal place with no bacon? You’ve got the chance to kid me.† I stay quiet; I don’t need to agitate him. Something I’ve become great at: resistance. Become a close acquaintence with the trouble makers and love the great ones. Give them free treats, a latte, a doggy! Anything to make up for the, presently 7 moment, sit tight for their valuable, corrido r stopping up bacon. We will compose a custom article test on I Hate Bacon or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Make more bacon. Fix the issue. Presently. Quicker. Critical thinking, an expertise I have consummated. My imaginative psyche controls the bistro, from worker preparing to espresso blending and obviously, bacon making. Taking care of issues speedier than they emerge, I’m consistently alert. â€Å"Sir, your sandwich is prepared! Once more, I am sorry for the look out for that. Sunday mornings are crazy!† â€Å"Pfft, better believe it, sure, whatever. Thanks.† Mumbles. I anticipated that. I brush it offâ€I won’t let it tear me down. Now and again, clashes occur and we come up short on bacon. No one’s perfectâ€I’m sure not. However, I endeavor to be. I endeavor to consistently have bacon. Regardless of whether, I abhor it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Traditional VS Self-Publishing 2019 Everything to Know Before Deciding

Conventional VS Self-Publishing 2019 Everything to Know Before Deciding Conventional VS Self-Publishing 2019: Everything to Consider Before Deciding You may be going to make an inappropriate decision.Its terrifying. You need to or have just composed a book and now its opportunity to choose customary versus self-publishing.Which can enable your book to see the light of day?Traditional Versus Self-PublishingYouve at long last settled on the choice. Following quite a while of saying I should, youve settled on the strong choice to at long last plunk down and compose your book. Its an intense, yet bold choice. Plunking down to get your message out on the planet will be one of the most testing yet remunerating things you do. In any case, presently that youve settled on this choice, you might be wondering:Should I approach a distributer and go down the customary course? Or then again would it be a good idea for me to independently publish and turn into an outside the box creator? Which is better, customary distributing versus self-publishing?Before the age of the web, the main way an essayist could get their book before millions was to send a book proposition and an inquiry letter to a conventional distributer or operator. The essayist trusted that day’s guard had dranktheir morning espresso, woken up on the correct side of the bed and really given your letter and proposition in excess of a 10-second glance.Unfortunately, the probability of that occurrence was thin to none.This brought about splendid individuals such as yourself being denied the chance to share their encounters, stories, and information with the world. The Publishing Industry Is ShiftingThankfully, this industry is improving in any event for those of us who are canny in self-publishing.With the improvement of online commercial centers like Amazon, the distributing procedure has changed. You can disperse your book to everybody, paying little heed to what some traditionalpublishing house thinks about your idea.You have a book within you and the world needs to peruse it!NOTE: We spread everything in this blog entry and substantially more about the composition, promoting, and distributing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Become familiar with it hereWhy Self-Publishing?The distributing world has changed, and its time for you to receive the rewards. Here are seven reasons whyself-distributing is the best course to take-and why you’ll reconsider before managing a distributing organization once more. #1 You Don’t Have to Wait for PermissionWith independently published books, you don't need to trust that anybody will give you the green light.Youdecide when and how to distribute a book.Youdecide whose hands your book gets into.Youdecide how fruitful you are.In different words, you don’t need to persuade any guards to permit your book to come to the worldwide market.â€Å"But, don’t customary distributers have a smart thought for what will sell or not? That is to say, in the event that they dismiss my book, they’re likely right that nobody would need to purchase it.†Wrong.Have you at any point knew about Tim Ferriss’s bookâ€Å"The 4-Hour Workweek†? It has been aNew York TimesandWall Street Journalbestseller for more than four years. It sold almost 1.5 million duplicates and has been converted into 35 distinctive languages.Oh, and get this: It was dismissed by the initial 26 distributers it was introduced to.Maybe youve additionally knew about a certain childrens book, the one about a little fellow with a lightning jolt scar on his brow who finds he is a wizard. The†Harry Potter†franchise is a patent blockbuster, with the last four books in the arrangement being the quickest selling books in history.Yet it was dismissed by 12 distributers in succession, and was just gotten on the grounds that the eight-year-old girl of an editorial manager requested to peruse the remainder of the book. And still, after all that, after the supervisor consented to distribute, they prompted J.K. Rowling to find a day line of work as she had minimal possibility of bringing in cash in childrens books. Little did they understand the distributing achievement they had bumbled onto.Now, simply envision the various creators out there who halted after the initial 10 or 20 entryways closed forcefully, accepting the untruth that they didn’t have a beneficial idea.You can't permit others to decide your success.Self-distributing gives you the road to do that. You and your perusers choose the value of your words, as opposed to one individual at a distributing firm who may not understand the potential distributing accomplishment in their hands.#2 You Can Publish Your Work QuicklyIf you were to take your book to a conventional distributer, it would take a very long time to publish.For model, it might take as long as a half year for you to try and hear back about the book proposition. What's more, expecting they acknowledge your proposition, it will take in any event one more year before the book is really published.With independently publishing, you can create your substance as fast as you need. Furthermore, in the Amazon Kindle store, you can distribute another book at whatever point you need. That way, you can share your work as fast as you make it!#3 Bring Home the (aloof) BaconTraditionally-distributed creators are commonly paid a measure of cash in advance. Nonetheless, when the business come coming in, they just get a little cut of the earnings.Why? Since they need to pay the distributing house, the editorial manager, the advertisers, the fashioners, etc.But when you independently publish, you take in the vast majority of the income (put something aside for the cash you actuallychooseto spend on promoting, book creation and distributing). On Amazon, for instance, independently published writers get 70% of the sovereignties for an eBook estimated somewhere in the range of $2.99 and $9.99. Presently that isn’t bad!#4 You Form Invaluable ConnectionsSelf-distributers around the globe have assembled on the web and face to face to give a network that underpins each other in distributing their work.These associations become precious as you get other together and-coming influencers like yourself.â€Å"Wait-so where might I meet these people?†Because independently publishing necessitates that you locate your own proofreader, spread designer,formatter and dispatch colleagues, you wind up interfacing with individuals all through your entire keeping in touch with experience.Self-distributed writers likewise accumulate via web-based networking media stages, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit.The fellowship permits individuals to extend a long ways past what they could have done all alone, or what they would have been constrained to with a conventional publisher.#5 You Control Your ObjectiveSo a very remarkable book is affected by the thought process that fills it.Is your rationale to make money?It isto dispatch another career?Is it to share your story?Is it to tur n into an open speaker?Or, is it basically something to check off your can list?Remember, composing a book ishard work. Furthermore, nothing is more regrettable than seeing your difficult work be changed into something you didn’t need. At the point when you independently publish, you can safeguard the poise and virtuoso of your target. Nobody is compelling you to sell more books, or to pollute your message so it will arrive at more extensive audiences.You are notpigeonholed or made to become somebody you’re not happy with.You writeasyou, andforyou. Furthermore, that is freeing. That is independently publishing freedom!#6 You Control Your Creative ConceptThere are loathsomeness tales about writers whose thoughts and voice got unrecognizable after they went down the conventional route.When you work with a customary distributer, you don’t simply sell them your composition, you sell them your idea.Your book may become something you are not happy with. Or then again, your fantasies for a spin-off or an update might be totally wasted in the event that it doesn't conform to the thought processes of the conventional publisher.But as an autonomous creator, you hold all out inventive control.You are liberated to be expressive with your work. You are liberated to be defenseless and disputable. You are allowed to beyou.When you independently publish, you additionally controlwhoyou compose for. On the off chance that you sell by means of the Amazon Kindle store, you can pick, and afterward change, your classifications and watchwords. You decide your promoting endeavors. With 45 percent of digital book deals going to non mainstream writers, crowds are indicating that they regard and need to buy the thoughts of everybody not simply those supported by customary publishers.#7 You Control Your FutureMost individuals hoping to compose a book need to procure more cash, acquire opportunity or have a stage to share their ideas.When you independently publish and have total responsibility for thoughts, you likewise have total responsibility for future.There is no conventional distributing firm to prevent you from selling an advantageous online course that incorporates material from your book, beginning a talking profession, re-discharging your book with a hardcover or book recording, or in any event, discharging a refreshed rendition of your book.You decide the direction of your book, your thoughts, and your distributing vocation when you self-publish.Even Big NamesChoose Between Traditional Publishing VS Self-PublishingThough there are a few advantages to customary distributing, even some settled and successfulâ authors concede that the delights of being an outside the box writer exceed a customary distributing deal.Via SelfPublishing.comSo much, truth be told, that huge name business people who have huge followings and couldeasilyget a conventional distributing bargain are selecting to go the independently publishing route.These individu als includePat Flynn, Jeff Goins, JoshuaFields Millburn Ryan Nicodemus, Johnny B. Truant andJames Altucher.What You GetSelf-PublishingTraditional PublishingSole control of your book's outcomeâÅ"XSole control of your book's rightsâÅ"XControl over the storyâÅ"XControl over the coverâÅ"X100% of royaltiesâÅ"XEditing includedXâÅ"Cover designXâÅ"MarketingXXDeadlinesXâÅ"Why Go With Traditional Publishing?As you can most likely tell, we here at Self-Publishing School are tremendous supporters of being in charge and guaranteeing you get all the cash you merit for the work youve put in.That being stated, now and again customary distributing will be the best alternative to accommodate your needs.Here is the reason a few people may select to go with conventional distributing as opposed to receiving the benefits of se

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Contemporary Perspectives of Early Childhood

Question: This appraisal expects you to draw on your gaining from weeks 1-7, comparable to speculations of learning and advancement, and react to an announcement as an insightful exposition with scholarly referencing. Answer: This paper plans to attract our learning connection to the speculations of learning and advancement and pictures of the kid. The deconstruction of the announcement Our picture of the youngster is wealthy in potential, solid, incredible, skillful and a large portion of all, associated with the grown-ups and other kids will be thought about. The phases of youth concern a kind of apprenticeship for back to back phases of things to come. Adolescence is the underlying advance for getting intellectually arranged to learn new things. Youngster advancement is a component of an interdisciplinary field called as formative science. It contains all the adjustments which is experienced all through the lifetime. Colossal decent variety recognizes the worries just as premiums of a few agents who are engaged with the investigation of kid improvement. Every one of them need to achieve the comparative objective: to clarify and perceive the variables that convince the textures and adjustments in youthf ul people in the initial two many years of presence. This article will likewise distinguish and examine the speculations and will investigate the ramifications of the hypotheses alongside the pictures for learning just as educating. The comprehension of people in regards to youngster improvement includes an interdisciplinary methodology (Kolb, 2014). By including the common endeavors of people from various fields it has achieved a fruitful development. In light of the need to take care of every day issues identifying with the kids, a few scientists from various fields, for example, human science, brain science, science, neuroscience and human studies have held hands with the experts from medication, general wellbeing, instruction, social help, family contemplates et. Kid advancement is a field which exists today as an affirmation to the associations of these orders. The information with respect to youngster advancement isn't simply coherently significant however suitable and important (Trawick-Smith, 2013). The interdisciplinary examination concerning human steadiness and modification is partitioned into three expansive areas: Cognitive, social and passionate, physical. These three spaces are not so much extraordinary. Or maybe, they meet up in an amalgamated, comprehensive way to deal with yield the current, developing kid (Gonzalez-Mena, 2013). Additionally, all the areas are impacted by one another. Social and enthusiastic advancement includes the adjustments in social and passionate interchanges, information on self-comprehension in regards to others, kinships, relational aptitudes, personal connections, conduct and good thinking (Lewis Mitchell, 2014).Cognitive improvement includes the changes in the scholarly capacities along with memory, consideration, scholastic and information on every single day, innovativeness, language, critical thinking and creative mind. Physical improvement includes the adjustments in size of the body, appearance, working of the body, engine and perceptua l limits alongside physical wellbeing (Wasserman Zambo, 2013). Other than separating and amalgamating the three areas, an extra predicament comes up in the conversation of improvement which is associated with how to low maintenance stream into sensible, controllable parts. The scientists every now and again uses the times old enough which brings cultural desires and new abilities that work as noteworthy advances in the key hypotheses (Morrison, 2013). In the field of youth care and training, a hypothesis alludes to an assortment of contemplations that clarify a specific topic in the field of learning and improvement in kids (Penn, 2014). Typically, the advancement of a hypothesis happens through the usage of insightful and rational types of applied and complete thought. Furthermore, a hypothesis is much of the time dependent on normal belief systems that are self-sufficient of what is being clarified. Thus, somebody who thinks in regards to the surrendered subtleties and accompanies a likely explanation for those subtleties is known as a scholar. Various people articulate that scholars turn up with calculated contemplations and perspectives and accordingly spend their lives attempting to substantiate themselves, since thoughts can continually be unsure until affirmed totally. What speculations offer are methods of realizing that convince considerations and effect on acting in fastidious manners (Mitchell et al., 2013). From the hypotheses, various arrangements of assumptions are made seeing how little youngsters learn just as create, and what information and instruction may conceivably and should seem like (Kolb, 2014). These speculations convince the manner in which instructors reflect and work, and they have an effect on their contemplations and perspectives. They vision the world in unmistakable manners. They perceive and clarify what's going on dependent on the current hypotheses they distinguish according to, and that resonate with their individual getting, musings and thought (Bruce, 2012). These are the theoretical perspectives, the investigation emerging from the speculations from which instructors work every day when working in the settings of youth. These hypothetical discernments could be on social perspectives on childhood, how youngsters gain information, and the duty of families just as networks in the advancement of a kid (Gordon Browne, 2013). Hypotheses place kids and their training in careful practices which have suggestions for how teachers educate, find and perceive the advancement of youngster. Courses expected to prepare instructors to work in the training of youth and concerned callings are bolstered by a decent variety of speculations that partner with an assortment of attributes of improvement of youngster and learning, for example, mental and enthusiastic extension, physical and intellectual turn of events, verbal correspondence and cultural turn of events, take part in diversion, independence alongside autonomy (Essa, 2013). In Western nations the most significant scholars incorporates Vygotsky, Bandura, Erikson, Ainsworth, Piaget, Bowlby, and Skinner. The perspectives of these scholars illuminate and direct crafted by instructors with families, little youngsters, just as networks and simultaneously they make accessible hypothetical understandings on qualities that are muddled to comprehend (Trawick-Smith, 2013). Thinking strongly in regards to ones execution and afterward connecting this with the hypothetical perspectives that edify that training encourages the instructors to continue in a progressively proficient manner to change their training (Wittmer et al., 2012). Discussing the formative hypotheses, these speculations started from the regular base for improvement of youngster including formative brain science and made the origination that there is an overall layout of advancement and therefore a normal method to advancement and learning for each kid (Penn, 2014).. Thoughts creating over the span of the nineteenth century concentrated on the down to business adjustments in youngsters as they developed. These modifications or achievements have been communicated into various stages which are separated by subjectively assorted practices (Bornstein Bradley, 2014). Various formative scholars watch improvement as a sporadic strategy. They consider that improvement draws in independent and various stages with differing kinds of conduct occurring in each stage (Trawick-Smith, 2013). Then again not many help an unremitting vision of advancement and suggest that improvement connects with normal and proceeding with changes all through the presence, with conduct in the earlier formative stages giving the establishment of ability and capacities fundamental for the resulting stages. Formative speculations are censured for not mirroring the presence of present kids and their insight by not concentrating on the cultural and instructive attributes that sway on the procedure of advancement (Lewis Mitchell, 2014). Discussing Socio-social hypotheses, in present day years, these speculations have offered a critical hypothetical device for reconsidering a lot of the training in youth instruction. They outline significantly on the exertion of Vygotsky (1962), and all the more recently Rogoff (1990). These hypotheses propose that teachers ought to have the option to appreciate the improvement of kids in the viewpoint of their individual networks. The youngsters are put as students through the arrangement of conviction to which they are shown and over the span of their correspondences with others (Crain, 2015).. Hedegaard (2004) outlines this sight of advancement as the relationship between the general public and the kid. This implies watching the improvement of a kid in the states of their general public, besides Fleer contends, society not simply builds up the qualities for characterizing the procedure of advancement yet plots the structure wherein the kid improvement is upheld (Swim, 2015). Vygotsky watched the cultural environmental factors as being powerful to the learning of a kid. It implies that learning in the organization of and from others is organized. Possibilities of what a youngster can achieve at positive ages end up being questionable as different social perceptions are fortified through the network of a kid (Mooney, 2013). Mulling over the Socio-behaviorist speculations, it may appear to be unordinary to bunch conduct and social hypotheses all things considered as they are two incredibly opposing methodologies (Morrison, 2013). However, the significant dissimilarities on which they depend includes their standpoint of the kid, their vision of the duty of adult people and their vision of comprehension and make them tentatively all the more engaging when situated in conc

MW Petroleum Corporation (A) finance case Study

MW Petroleum Corporation (A) money - Case Study Example Apache then again is trying to develop. This is a decent open door for the organization to do as such. This exchange would be advantageous to Apache the segment of MW Petroleum that Apache is thinking about is situated in a similar general territory where the organization at present works thus solidification will additionally lessen costs. This ought to take into account expanded economies of scale as decreased direct working expenses and considerably more so overhead expenses for Apache. It is less expensive for Apache to purchase a current business as it has been doing instead of complete exploratory penetrating. This procurement will likewise permit the organization to differentiate topographically its arrangement of advantages which is significant when the hazard of the activities is thought of. This expansion will to some degree help to balance out Apache’s income despite the fact that the two gas and oil costs are profoundly unpredictable. The securing of Amoco will like wise improve Apache’s remaining among US independents and lead to considerably facilitate procurement openings. The organization is thinking about further development openings later on and this speaks to a venturing stone that will permit Apache some measure of bartering power and would in this way put the organization in a superior situation to rival different organizations. It is sensible to expect that the MV properties are more important to Apache than to Amoco on the grounds that Apache will profit by cooperative energies and justification of costs. Table 2 beneath shows the current estimation of the total overheads that Apache could lessen generously if the procurement happens. Amoco would be in an ideal situation on the off chance that it had money close by which the organization could put resources into increasingly productive endeavors. At present, the properties are not contributing considerably if any whatsoever to the company’s overheads. Section 1 (b) The wellsprings of significant worth that most conceivably represent the distinction among purchaser and vender are: The avoidance of fields in Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico; Expected cooperative energies; Other open doors referenced; and The beta worth that was utilized. Rejection of Fields in Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico Apache was just intrigued by fields containing around 78% of MW’s demonstrated created stores and 75% of the Proved lacking stores. These record for around $120 million of the distinction. No subtleties were given of the level of the likely and potential saves that would be remembered for the fields in Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico. Nonetheless, these could be generous. Accepting that these fields are in a similar extent as the demonstrated lacking stores then the absolute worth would be around $906 million. This is 294 million less then the $1.2 billion that Amoco showed that the properties were worth. See APV Calculations in the Appendix. Table 1 Reserves Total (MMBOE) Proportion remembered for Purchase Value remembered for APV Total Value Proved Developed Reserves 155.2 78.22% 121.4 247,750,571.44 316,728,901.87  Proved Undeveloped Reserves 25.6 75% 19.2 151,257,604.86 201,676,806.48 Sub Total  399,008,176.30 518,405,708.35  Probable Reserves  75%  145,575,867.21 194,101,156.28  Possible Reserves  75%  145, 125,191.13 193,500,254.84  Total  689,709,234.64 906,007,119.47 Synergies The collaborations can be measured as certain overheads would be quite diminished just as some direct working expenses. The table underneath shows the current estimation of the anticipated total overhead costs. Apache is relied upon to spare a considerable part of this roughly $201 million. Table 2 Year Aggregate Overheads PV Factor (13%) PV Cash Flow 1 36.6 0.885 32.39 2 38.7

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Seperate Peace Short Essay Essay Example

A Seperate Peace Short Essay Example A Seperate Peace Short Essay A Seperate Peace Short Essay All through the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles the primary character, Gene Forester, who is likewise the storyteller, finds who he is as an individual. He has gotten an experienced grown-up before the finish of the book, as paired to his pre-adulthood in the start of the novel. He makes these revelations through the occasions that happen during his time at Devon. Three places that show the advancement of Gene’s development are when Gene visits Finny in Boston, when he didn’t yield to Finny’s dream of the war and when Gene at long last acknowledges that he assumed a job in Phineas’ passing. These occasions cause Gene to develop extraordinarily. Gene’s expanded development is first demonstrated when he is coming back to Devon after break and stops in Boston to visit Finny. The blame of what Gene had done frequented him during the entire break. Quality admits to purposely bumping the appendage of the tree. When Finny becomes passionate Gene acknowledges, â€Å" †¦I was harming him again†¦ this could be a much more profound physical issue than I had done previously. † Gene thinks he is upsetting Finny’s perspective on the world. He is destroying the perspective on immaculateness and great Finny had. Gene’s acknowledgment shows that he has developed and sees what he is doing to Finny. When Finny comes back to Devon he will not accept that there is a war. He makes a dream of what is truly going on. Quality has consistently been maneuvered into Finny’s dreams about the world yet he has figured out how to keep himself in all actuality. Quality says, â€Å"For a second I was nearly taken in by it. At that point my eyes fell on the bound and cast white mass pointing at me†¦ it brought me down out of Finny’s universe of invention†¦ down to the real world, to the realities. Quality is no longer sucked into Finny’s perspectives on the world. He can take himself back to the real factors of the world. Gene’s development keeps on developing all through the novel and he arrives at his greatest purpose of development upon the passing of his closest companion, Finny. Quality acknowledges that he assumed a job in Phineas’ passing. He understa nds that his envy turned crazy and he had been furious about a non-existent contention. At long last he stated, â€Å"†¦this adversary who assaulted never assaulted that way †on the off chance that he at any point assaulted by any means; on the off chance that he was to be sure the foe. At the point when he says this it shows that he perceives that Finny never abhorred him. Be that as it may, since Gene made up this competition he in the end had a section in Finny’s destruction. Quality goes on an excursion of self-revelation all through the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles. Gene’s development develops monstrously however particularly when Gene visits Finny in Boston, when he didn’t yield to Finny’s dream of the war and when Gene at long last acknowledges that he assumed a job in Phineas’ passing. These occasions cause Gene to develop significantly.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How I Spent My Sophomore Spring Break

How I Spent My Sophomore Spring Break Two weeks ago was our Spring Break at MIT, and the halls of Tetazoo were empty.  The cats were begging for attention for the first time in what seems like forever, as their owners left them for hiking mountains or driving across the country or exploring caves. Yet I was here, at MIT, preparing myself for the UPOP Spring Team Training Camp.  UPOP, or the Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program, is a program for sophomores that prepares us for success in the workplace.  Throughout the year, we have obtained guidance, support, and training in our internship searches and in preparation for the summer and the future.  UPOP also holds a week-long program for sophomores during IAP, however, since I trained to be an EMT during IAP, I could not attend the week-long program.  Instead, I attended a three-day program during Spring Break where I worked in a team with an MIT alum as a mentor to work on our teamwork skills. I really enjoyed working with my team during the week. Our group had seven people in it, one of which I knew prior to the program and five of which became my new friends.  Our mentor was really awesome she was an alum from the class of 82, and she had a lot of really great input on our projects and various modules during the program. UPOP was Monday-Wednesday from 9am-5pm, so it did get a bit tiring, but the coordinators surely kept us off our feet and very involved.  Wed start off each day with announcements, where the coordinators, Bethany and Sharon, would yell HEY UPOP and we would yell back HEY UPOP. My group is the table in the middle, Table 3.  We named ourselves Team 2048, after the extremely addicting game. We even had a team chant going Two-Oh-Four-Eight Who do we appreciate? ____ where ____ was either UPOP or the name of our mentor. I think it might have irked some of the other teams a bit, but it made us really happy. We had a good time working together during the week, and even coordinated our outfits for some events, like for our major presentation on the last day of UPOP. We dont look very happy in that picture, but we did feel really passionate about what we were presenting about.  We chose to present on the issue of dorm security here at MIT, and about how the current program is inconsistent, and sometimes unfair, across the dormitories.  Last semester, I tried to bring a prefrosh into Simmons hall to see the dining hall, and security stopped me and told me that I was not allowed to enter the building with the prefrosh, even if I was on the guest list and the prefrosh had a non-MIT ID.  Many other people have had similar things happen to them or are experiencing new problems with our outsourced securities systems, and it is causing some distress among MIT students. Overall, our presentation went really well! We were proud of how we had worked together, and about the final product.  Kaylee B. 16 is an opinion writer for the Tech, and she might post something in the near future about what we presented on! We had fun with the other projects we worked on, which included negotiation workshops, presentation workshops, and more! This is my friend Kaylee B. 16 being very passionate about our discussion. One of the coolest projects we worked on was creating the tallest building that we could out of foam and pencils.  We had a limited amount of money to buy a limited amount of materials.  The building needed to pass a tilt test with a water bottle at the top of it to make sure that it was earthquake safe. In the end, our group passed the tilt test, but still lost terribly due to its height.  However, we had the prettiest design! This is our tower: Here I am with Serena P. 16 and Caitlin H. 16 working on the tower: And obtaining those materials wasnt that easy! Thats Kaylee B. 16 helping carry foam over from the store, also known as the Foam Dome and the Cut Hut. We spent all our money on pencils and foam blocks. However, we lost in the end to a team with a 70+ tour.  Even though my team lost, we wanted to show our spirit and how grateful we were for mentors help, so after the winning team passed the tilt test we did our team cheer and at the end we yelled Marissa!  However, a girl from the winning team yelled You guys lost! and laughed at us. I didnt think it was funny, it was mean. So congrats team four for winning that round, you guys did a great job! Except no congratulations to whoever shouted that. Overall, UPOP was a lot of fun.  I made a lot of really great new friends, and some of them even came back with Kaylee and me to East Campus after the last day of UPOP for a tour of our halls!  Caitlin H. 16 and Zara P. 16 liked East Campus, and they also loved the cats, of course! After UPOP was over, I headed back home to New York to see my family, which included my puppy, Boots! I wished him a happy belated birthday. My little puppy is five years old now! In celebration of my dad and I becoming certified EMTs this year, my family went out to a really fancy dinner place, Insignia, with some gift cards my mom had received from co-workers during the holiday season.  Insignia was a Sushi Steakhouse, so with me being a vegetarian I was a bit worried that I would be stuck eating fancy salad (even though salad is super yummy).  However, the waitress suggested that I try a watermelon steak, and it was so good! It was one of the strangest and tastiest foods Ive ever had.  It was grilled watermelon over steamed vegetables with a yummy balsamic-y glaze over the top.  I am definitely going to try it again! So next time youre at a barbeque and theres watermelon, try throwing it on the grill!  Apparently it is a thing! Overall, I quite enjoyed my spring break. It started off kind of shakey on the weekend, but it was a much needed break from the craziness that is MIT. And it was a great rest for the cats, who quickly became bored of us as soon as people started returning from their adventurous spring breaks. All UPOP pictures were taken by the UPOP Marketing and Communications Officer, Jessica Jones. Post Tagged #UPOP

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Minimum Wage The Cause of Poverty - Free Essay Example

A mother of three travels to work each day but still struggles to provide for her children on a salary of $7.25 an hour. This is because she works for minimum wage. When people think about minimum wage they think about teens working but never do they think about the adults that work on this salary.When people start to think about these parents working on minimum wage they start to think about how the children live. Most times the children live in poverty and are barely able to afford clothes or food. Saying this, minimum wage should be brought to $15 an hour so that parents can provide for their families.   Raising the minimum wage would help families of five live on a full-time minimum wage and not have to raise their children in poverty. Jason Furman states that Even with a $7.25-an-hour minimum wage, a family of five with a full-time, minimum-wage earner that receives food stamps and the refundable tax credits would fall $1,139 below the poverty line in 2009.( Raising the Minimum Wage Will Reduce Poverty) This shows that even when the price of minimum wage was raised from $5.15 to $7.95 Americans were still struggling to stay above the poverty line. This it is only in 2009 with legislation not indexing the wage for inflation families will fall even lower under the poverty line because inflation will erode the value of minimum wage., says Jason. (Raising the Minimum Wage Will Reduce Poverty). With that being said the wage would have to be raised again to a higher amount for any family to be above the poverty line. Knowing this information having minimum wage raised to $15 an hour with help families in the long run even with inflation.  More Americans work on minimum wage than those who dont and out of those people, most are adult women. According to the U.S. Census Bureaus Current Population Survey, tipped workers on minimum wage are overwhelmingly women, many of whom are supporting families. Overall, women make up sixty-two percent of tipped workers and seventy-two percent of waitresses and waiters one of the largest groups of tipped workers (A High Minimum Wage). As a result, most women are unable to support their families because they work on such a low wage. Overall, the family poverty rate for waitresses and waiters is 14.9 percent almost three times the rate for the workforce as a whole. And the rates are even higher for tipped workers as a whole since their wages are lower than those of waitresses and waiters ( A High Minimum Wage). Showing that most people who work on minimum wage are in poverty. With that said raising the wage would lower the percentage of people working on minimum wage in poverty.  People in America are even homeless and still, have jobs. A 1998 survey of Baltimores homeless found that 17% of those surveyed were employed and approximately 46% had lost their jobs within the previous year (The Homeless). Showing that even when some people have jobs that can not make enough to even buy a house for there family.Inadequate wages put housing out of reach for many workers. Working homeless people report that their incomes are not sufficient to afford a familys basic living needs ( The homeless). Even when people get jobs to try and make a living it is not enough to get a home so they are not homeless.  Ã‚  With this evidence, most would feel it is needed to raise minimum wage yet others still believe the price of minimum wage now is better for families of four and would actually affect them if it was raised because they will get fewer food stamps. Even though this could be true most families now still struggle to support their families even with welfare and food stamps. It is said that the increase would mean an additional $4,200 in annual earnings for a full-time, minimum-wage worker. It also would automatically trigger $1,140 in increases in the familys EITC and refundable Child Tax Credit, enough to roughly offset the decrease in the familys food stamp benefits resulting from the increase in the familys cash income. As a result, the family would be lifted five percent above the poverty line, instead of being 11 percent below the poverty line in 2009, as it would be under current law(Raising the Minimum Wage Will Reduce Poverty). This proves that even though raising the wage would reduce food stamp prices the result is still higher than it is now.  Ã‚  Families and citizens of America struggle every day working on minimum wage trying to provide for themselves and others. People need to make efforts to raise this wage so that the number of people homeless can be lowered. If this is done people will be more productive and put more effort into their work because they are earning more money.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Career Plan For A Career - 1554 Words

My Career Plan I am an undergraduate student in Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis; my major is Electrical Engineering, this is my senior year in my undergraduate degree. Even I am going to graduate after this year, looking ahead at what is coming in the future makes reality sink in. It feels like I just started college a couple of months ago and looking for career far years away. In general, people all want to have a job that can makes lots of money, live in a spacious home and drive a striking sport car after graduation. Even though these ideals are too secular, to achieve these ideals I must have a successful career life. Therefore, making a career plan to prepare myself for the career field before I graduate is really important; since it will not only help me determine my career goals, but also manage the job skills and knowledge which will be helpful in my career life. First of all, I have a deep passion for the information signals technology sector, that is the most important factor I choose this major. Information systems are a critical component of modern organizations (Gurbaxani, 1991), that is why I am going to find a career in this field to be attractive. Information technology firms require electrical engineers to occupy various job positions. Such organizations are based all over the world. The current emergence of scientific innovations in developing countries is intriguing, and my ideal firm should be based in United State. My first job positionShow MoreRelatedMy Career Plans For A Career In Nursing1896 Words   |  8 Pageshigh school, if I was asked what my plans were for the future, I would have had a definite answer. I wanted to attend Indiana University Bloomington and major in Nursing to eventually become a nurse practitioner. I truly thought that was what I wanted to do with my life. If I were told that I would be attending Hanove r and no longer had any interest in nursing as a career, I would probably laugh. I was so sure that was what I wanted to do, but since then all my plans have changed. This first semesterRead MoreMy Career Plan For Nursing Career1027 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: I have to admit in preparation of writing my nursing career, I found it very difficult to put a nursing career plan together. Over the past 12 years of my nursing career, I have learned that many of my experiences has molded my character. Nursing has so much to offer and I am fascinated by anything new that I am introduced to. I have worked in various places such as a cardiac transitional care unit, acute care rehab unit, school/camp nurse, in home nurse, and 1:1 nurse to mainstreamRead MoreMy Career Plan3086 Words   |  13 Pagesplanning my personal career. Here are four sections consisted of my preferred personal career, my networking strategy, my online professional presence and my written job applications. All these details are based on my previous personal brand, my ideal career and basic marketing knowledge. Four sections 1. My preferred personal career 1) Explain which career type I prefer I prefer the Portfolio Career. Here are the reasons why I choose it as follows. * I can pick up my favourite career becauseRead MoreMy Career Plans As A Journalist1972 Words   |  8 Pages Abstract This paper is to discuss my career plans as a journalist both here in the United States and around the world. I have decided to be a news reporter. First things first, I will describe what journalists do. By describing the different roles, this paper will be addressing tasks and work environment of journalists. After that, I will give a synopsis about working in the media. I will explain my career goals and explain the history of journalism. It will further explain reasons why I haveRead MoreMy Career Plan For Graduate School760 Words   |  4 PagesMy career plan is just a variation of my life plan, which I have appropriately titled, Life after Carolina. In this plan I have detailed plans A-D of what shall take place after graduation. In fact, many of these plans I have already started putting in work to make sure that they come to fruition. In this paper I will detail what plan A- D is, and how I will make sure that one of these plans happen. Plan A is to go to graduate school. For many of the lifelong careers that I have they require someRead MoreMy Career Plan For Teaching English1731 Words   |  7 PagesMy degree program at UCO has been focused on teaching English as a second language to adults; however, my career plan includes teaching English literature and language at secondary level. I plan to use my degree when students who are non-native speakers of English are a part of my classes. In these cases, I will use altered mainstream curriculum to teach English, a method known as Content-Based Instruction (CBI). While observing an English composition and research class, I encountered an instructorRead MoreMy Career Plan After Graduation Essay1913 Words   |  8 PagesMy Career Plan after Graduation: How to manage my Professional and Holistic Lifestyle. I decided to pursue a career in nursing because, there is plenty of scarcity in the field and I feel like I can make a difference. I plan to focus most of my care in both acute and chronic setting. I will focus my career plan on the first and fifth year time frame. I will also touch up on different method I will use to illuminate my game plan when I do finish my Bachelor in Nursing. My Transition to ProfessionalRead MoreMy Essay : My Cybersecurity Career Plan1756 Words   |  8 PagesMy Cybersecurity Career Plan Throughout the years that I have spent in the workforce and during my myriad attempts to complete a postsecondary degree, I have learned many things about myself and about the direction that I would like my career to take. In my most recent encounter with higher education, I was shown and given many tools to utilize in my journey. The most useful of these is the CSU-Global Career Center, which contains quite a few tools and resources of which students may take advantageRead MoreMy Career Plan For The School System Essay1849 Words   |  8 PagesPractice Setting Upon obtaining a MSW, my career plans are to become a LCSW so that I can counsel individuals whether it is with children or adults. The practice setting that I see myself working with after graduation would be the school system. 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Monday, May 18, 2020

Short Story Just A Regular Coffee - 918 Words

Cheyenne Tordsen Exercise 1 Just A Regular Coffee â€Å"Today,† Audrey whispered to herself as she opened the heavy wooden door to Carol Sisters Coffee. The scent of fresh coffee overpowered that of the bouquet she was carrying. The room was darker than usual from the lack of natural light coming in because of the rain, but the hanging lights imitating candles did a fine enough job. Audrey did love this shop because of how homey it was. â€Å"Good morning! Same order as usual, Audrey?† the barista asked from way over at the counter, rocking one headphone in and one headphone out so she could still hear the door ring. Audrey nodded. Audrey Robinson was a creature of habit. She routinely wore very similar knitted sweaters—neutral colors so she†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I brought you some flowers because I heard you complaining that you didn’t have enough to paint back at home.† Virginia looked up and smiled. â€Å"Why thank you. I haven’t gotten many flowers si nce Tom died.† â€Å"I hope you like them. I didn’t know what kinds you liked. I just noticed you wear a lot of colors so I went with—† â€Å"I don’t believe in favorite colors; it’s so rude to pick just one. That’s why my favorite color is the rainbow,† Virginia said. â€Å"Right, well, I don’t want to distract you from your work†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Stay seated, dear.† Virginia took a sip of her tea. â€Å"It’s not as if I have anywhere to go.† After bombarding Virginia with repeated â€Å"are you sure’s,† Audrey decided to stay put. â€Å"It’s been a while since we talked,† Virginia said. â€Å"You always look so focused on your painting. I would hate to take you away from that.† â€Å"You sound like my daughter.† â€Å"Oh, you have a daughter?† Audrey asked. â€Å"Only one,† she responded. â€Å"Her name is Lily.† â€Å"Well, it’s good I gave you some lilies then.† â€Å"They’re lovely. That’s why I named her after them.† â€Å"I wasn’t aware that you had a daughter,† Audrey brought up again. Virginia went back to drawing, but continued the conversation. â€Å"Most people don’t. You know, it seems like after Tom died everyone forgot that I even was married.† â€Å"Well you don’t tell most people that you were.† â€Å"I don’t tell most girls that I was,† she said. â€Å"Are youShow MoreRelatedThe Coffee Shop Essay1116 Words   |  5 PagesThe Coffee Shop has been around since 1992. Many people waltz in and out of The Coffee Shop everyday, you may even be one of these people who on route to class make a quick stop. But as you exit the bui lding did you notice the small crack at the base of the wall. Where an upset employee threw a tray of mugs? 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Transition: As I just stated green smoothies are delicious, in addition, they provide numerous health benefits. C. Top five health reasons to drink green smoothies. 1. Natural energy source. Fruits are packed with sugar that can provide short bursts of energy. However, vegetables help balance the sugar content to provide a stable release of energy. 2. Healthy weight loss. GreenRead MoreSummary Of Cat s The Hat 1302 Words   |  6 Pagesto get coffee for executives who had gathered for the meeting. The managers had a perception that Lesley was a secretary in the company and they presumed she was willing to get coffee for them or take notes during the meeting. Pat Jones who was the company’s Human Resource Researcher offered advice by saying that Lesley must find out a way to distinguish herself from rest of the female employees like clerks, secretaries in the company to avoid such situation in the future. Lesley’s story shows usRead MoreHow often people drink coffee2126 Words   |  9 Pagespeople drink coffee ENC 1101 Florida International University Abstract In today’s society, over half of the adults in the United States drink coffee daily, and the percentage has been in increase for the past years or decades. In general, this increase of consuming coffee has been affected by various factors. It depends on ethnicity, race, age, gender, life stress and even the weather or hours of the day disturbs why people consume it. But how often people drink coffee? Or, WhatRead MoreDefinition Of Absurdism In The Stranger By Albert Camus1490 Words   |  6 Pagesgrieving the way a regular person would, he’s trying to remember when his mother died. Usually you hear people telling the exact time and date their loved ones died, its common to hear people say â€Å"My grandmother died exactly four years ago from today†. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Use Of Three Rhetorical Appeals On Gay Life - 859 Words

The man who gave this amazing Tedx talk isn’t just the run of the meal sports journalist. Elzie â€Å"LZ† Granderson is a forty-three American journalist and commentator, who were first hired at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution as a home design writer, but with his passion for sports it wasn’t long before he became the lead writer for the paper’s entertainment section, where he made a name as a sportswriter. Now at ESPN where he is a senior writer and columnist on their magazine (ESPN The Magazine) and has also worked for the likes of CNN writing daily columns for their website. With all that being said Mr. Granderson just happens to be gay, and he is motivated to speak on the issue of the â€Å"Gay Life† because of his personal connection and ignorance that is spread about gay individuals from straight person to straight person. In this humorous, yet long-faced and controversial Tedx talk Mr. LZ Granderson uses three rhetorical appeals (ethos, logo s, and pathos) in order to make the topic of the â€Å"Gay Agenda† relatable and to educate the one’s that aren’t on the issue. At the beginning of his Tedx talk Mr. Granderson immediately starts out telling the audience about a time when he was 16 years old, and he was searching for a movie on HBO when he stumbled on a Matthew Broderick movie named â€Å"Torch Song Trilogy†. Which the main idea of the movie was finding people that love and respect you for whom you truly are, and Mr. Granderson states that he realizes that the film is talking aboutShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality in Same Love by Macklemore with Ryan Lewis and Mary Lambert1006 Words   |  5 Pagesagainst the issues of discrimination, gay rights, and marriage equality that we see in todays era. He uses two fallacies in the song, but Macklemore’s use of the three rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos in his song â€Å"Same Love,† have a great level of success in proving the importance of gay rights and marriage equality. Right away Macklemore establishes his credibility and knowledge, ethos, by stating, When I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay, Cause I could draw, my uncle wasRead MoreAnalysis Of My Life As An Undocumented Immigrant1127 Words   |  5 Pagesshares his life-long journey as an undocumented immigrant in his text, â€Å"My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant.† As the title suggests, Vargas attempts to convey to his audience, who likely never has and never will experience anything similar to what he has, what it is like to live as an immigrant in the United States of America. Skillfully, Vargas details the perfect number of personal stories to reach the emotional side of his audience, which is anyone who is not an immigrant. Through the use of hisRead MoreAnalysis Of David Carter s Stonewall1184 Words   |  5 Pagescontents, a map of Greenwich Village, and a quote by Oscar Wilde. The main text is split into three parts, with each part containing individual chapters. Following the text is an author’s note, acknowledgments, reference notes, photograph credits, a bibliography, and an index. Contents Overview The first part of Stonewall, titled â€Å" Setting the Stage,† does just as the name implies. Introducing the reader to the life of the LGBT+ citizens of mid 20th century New York, Carter at first focuses on GreenwichRead MoreRhetorical Analysis on Obesity1531 Words   |  7 Pagesthe nation. I have chosen two articles that discuss this issue and use different rhetorical strategies to convince the reader of the causes of this deadly epidemic as well as different aspects of the disease that should be focused on when researching treatments options. Examining the different rhetorical strategies used in the articles proves that, although logos arguments can be a good way to convince an audience of your point, use of ethos and pathos arguments is a much more powerful strategy toRead MoreThe Toulmin Model Of Argument 11533 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ The Toulmin Model of Argument (adapted from: In his work on logic and argument, The Uses of Argument, Stephen Toulmin indicates three major, necessary parts of an argument, along with three additional, optional parts. The three major parts are the claim, the support, and the warrants. Claim: This is the disputable assertion for which a speaker argues. The claim may be directly stated or the claim may be implied. You can find the claim by askingRead MoreCritical Metaphor Analysis Approach7941 Words   |  32 Pagesaudience reconstructs the causal relationships of an argument. Metaphor is closely related to conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff 1993; Lakoff and Johnson 1980) but also goes beyond it. Critical Metaphor Analysis Approach addresses the rhetorical and ideological role of metaphor in discourse and analyses it in authentic data. According to Charteris-Black metaphors should not only be analysed cognitively, but also pragmatically as they are powerful tools of persuation in discourse. TheyRead MoreThe Stylistic Analysis of Anthony in Blue Alsatia2217 Words   |  9 Pagesa thirty-year friendship with George Earle, an English teacher. After his death in 1949, she had a long friendship with the actor Denys Blakelock, who wrote of it in the book, Eleanor, Portrait of a Farjeon (1966). During the 1950s she was awarded three major literary prizes: The Carnegie Medal of the Library Association, The Hans Christian Andersen Award and the Regina Medal of the American Catholic Library Association. The Childrens Book Circle, a society of publishers, present the Eleanor FarjeonRead MoreEssay on Pre 1914 Love Poetry from the Victorian and Elizabethan Era3579 Words   |  15 Pagesfeels this too, but his way of immortalising that moment is, to say the least, unusual. This poem begins with the use of sinister personification and from this we can assume that browning is setting the scene for what is to happen in the poem. From here, the scene changes to the inside of the house. In addition, the tone changes when Porphyria arrives. Here, Browning begins to use several soft and gentle words to portray a cosy atmosphere inside of the house, whilst outside, savage weather Read MoreDeclaration of Independence9744 Words   |  39 PagesThis essay seeks to illuminate that artistry by probing the discourse microscopically--at the level of the sentence, phrase, word, and syllable. By approaching the Declaration in this way, we can shed light both on its literary qualities and on its rhetorical power as a work designed to convince a candid world that the American colonies were justified in seeking to establish themselves as an independent nation.(2) The text of the Declaration can be divided into five sections--the introduction, theRead MoreInstructive Text Types11631 Words   |  47 Pagesinstructions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3.2.4Persusive texts: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Commercial advertisements†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦........................................ Political texts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....................................... Religious and ethical appeal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦........................................ Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Bibliography †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦................................ Introduction In this work I will try to approach

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obesity The Elusive Murderer Essay - 985 Words

There is a silent killer invading many countries across the world. The elusive murderer is called obesity. Obesity can be caused and prevented several ways. The health risks caused by obesity get worse the more obese people are or the higher Body Mass Index (BMI) people have. Many diseases and life-threatening problems occur while obese. Obesity, a plague that is infecting millions every year, is caused by several personal habits and can generate many life-threatening problems. Obesity is gradually growing all across the world. There are many sad predictions being made about obesity rates. In fourteen years, about 186 million adults are said to be overweight in Africa, and about one fifth of adults will have BMI values over 30 (Fitness and Wellness Week). It is sad to see that people not only in America but in Africa are not taking care of their bodies. Obesity is spreading fast in the United States also. 70.7 percent of adults who are 20 years old or over are overweight or obese (Health, United States, 2015, table 53). Also, about 32% of children are overweight or obese (Eunice Shriver). In the last 2 decades, obesity rates have elevated monumentally. Obesity rates have increased in the developing countries, mostly during the last 20 years. They are going through rapid demographic and nutritional changes, with large changes in diet and lifestyle, which will increase the prevalence of some important cardiovascular risk factors (Ada Cuevas, Verà ³nica Alvar ez, CristinaShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Silent Killer Invading Many Countries Across The World Essay1000 Words   |  4 PagesMichael Mosura Mr. Johnston English II 19 October 2016 Obesity There is a silent killer invading many countries across the world. The elusive murderer is called obesity. Obesity can be caused and prevented several ways. The health risks caused by obesity get worse the more obese people are or the higher Body Mass Index (BMI) people have. Many diseases and life-threatening problems occur while obese. Obesity, a plague that is infecting millions every year, is caused by several personal habits andRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesinï ¬â€šuencing both the variables under investigation. A high correlation in many uncontrolled studies carried out in different settings can also marshal support for causality—as in the case of cigarette smoking and cancer—but proving causality is an elusive task. ââ€"   Exercises 5.1–5.16 ..................................................................................................................... 5.1 For each of the following pairs of variables, indicate whether you would expect a positive correlation

Neanderthals/Modern Human Interbreeding Free Essays

In the advent of modern technology, it was found out that the now-extinct species of the Neanderthals do share a common ancestry with the modern human beings. This was through the analysis of the Neanderthal bone DNA from discovered Neanderthal fossil specimens. These Neanderthals were proven to be similar in the genetic makeup as compared to the modern human beings. We will write a custom essay sample on Neanderthals/Modern Human Interbreeding or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is despite the fact that Neanderthals and the modern human lineage have separated ways for some 370,000 years (Mozes; Gianaro). But then, the query lies whether or not the Neanderthals and the early human beings have interbred, which could have led to what the humans are now in the present. The Neanderthals, discovered way back in the 1850’s, are seen to be greatly related to the early human beings. This is because they were able to practice certain behaviors that are seen to be similar with that of the human beings, like burying their dead, skinning animals, building fires and being able to utilize tools made out of wood and stone. The difference they exhibit lie on their physical structure, wherein these Neanderthals are stockier than human beings, have comparably larger noses, muscle definitions, brows, and relatively larger brains. In relation to the coexistence of the Neanderthals and the early human beings, there are fossil evidences that these Neanderthals have existed in around 230,000 years ago in the European and western Asian regions. Dating back around 40,000 years ago, the early human beings, Homo sapiens, started moving northward, their migration patterns away from Africa, towards the European and Asian lands. And in a span of 10,000 years, the existence of Neanderthals have started to cease, vanishing from the old places they were situated, then had been isolated into smaller populations. After a few thousand years, they have totally disappeared from the face of the earth. The Neanderthal man was considered as the subspecies of the Homo sapiens, the species where the human beings are classified with. They got their name from the place where the remnants of the first Neanderthal were discovered, in Neanderthal, Germany. It was a valley where the fossils of the Neanderthal were unearthed. It was either classified as Homo sapiens neandertalensis or Homo neandertalensis depending on how scientists view them. Some scientists classify the Neanderthal as its own species, apart from Homo sapiens because of the large number of differences in the anatomy between Neanderthals and human beings (Gianaro). The anatomical structure of the Neanderthal has somewhat explained that they were the primary hominids to have survived and thrived in the harsh conditions of an extremely cold environment. They existed at the time of the glaciations in Europe, wherein they were forced to live and survive in the icy areas of the continent. Their bodies were built for adapting in these cold conditions, like their squat, stocky build which is efficient for maintaining the body temperature under the extremes of the cold environment. They have also developed large powerful muscles in their bodies which have proven to be useful in hunting animals in the cold. This is because there was no abundance of plants that could bear fruits that they can eat, leaving them with meat as their only choice. There bodies showed a lot of difference from that of the Homo sapiens. The H. sapiens contemporary of these Neanderthals which are from Africa and Asia have a relatively smaller skull and brow ridge thickness. With their differences laid, it is clear to see that humans and Neanderthals have a clear distinction, which may or may not have lead in what was speculated by other researchers as the result of interbreeding of the species. Some of these scientists say that even though they were different, they have interbred, which leads us to what the human beings are today. The present human beings have probably been the products or the cross between Neanderthals and the early Homo sapiens. Some say that these answer why the Neanderthals have disappeared, because they have blended in with the early human ancestors (Hsu). One of the studies that lead to the opening of doors for the idea of the Neanderthal interbreeding with early humans was when Neanderthal bones have been analyzed and underwent DNA sequencing. This study was done under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Berkeley National Laboratory and the Joint Genome Institute has yielded astonishing results regarding the similarities of the human and Neanderthal genes. The study arrived at a 99.5% similarity or identity between the two. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that there are evidences of crossbreeding between early human beings and the Neanderthals. The study has opened the door to the understanding that the early Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis shared a common ancestor around 700,000 years back time (Yarris and Rubin). This group of researchers, led by Edward Rubin, the director of the Joint Genome Institute and the Genomics Division of the Berkeley Lab, has achieved to establish the development of the Neanderthal metagenomic library, which was used for analyzing and characterizing more than 65,000 DNA groups which is rooted to Neanderthal ancestry. This is gives a new look at studying the Neanderthals, not only providing new information to the science world, but of further understanding these early hominids. This is essential in finding more about the roots of man, shedding new light to human origin. Erik Trinkaus, a resident anthropologist of the Washington University in St. Louis has published a set of new data analysis regarding the early modern human fossils. This was done along with his Romanian colleagues in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, wherein they have speculated a proof of the transition between Neanderthals and humans. The 30,000 year old bones that were unearthed in Pestera Muierii, a Romanian cave, was said to have resemblances in both Neanderthals and humans (Billings). What these similarities suggest was the possibility that early human beings and Neanderthals may have mated with each other and have successfully produced an offspring. According to Trinkaus, these Muierii fossils were the remnants of the early modern human beings plus some three or four characteristics which resembles that of the Neanderthals. This includes the bulge which is located at the back of the cranium. He said that these could either be a sign of re-evolving from the African ancestors or has acquired them as descendants of those who mated with the Neanderthals. This finding by Trinkaus has been disputed by two other top anthropologists, which are Jeff Scwartz from University of Pittsburgh and Ian Tattersall of the American Museum of Natural History (Billings). According to these anthropologists, the diiference that Trinkaus see as the product of the crossbreeding of the Neanderthals and early modern human beings, were actually the result of normal variation of species. Variations like being chunky or slender, tall or short are most probably the results of species variation rather than interbreeding. These are the things that make them distinct from other species, since no two species are exactly similar with each other. The bulge on the head that Trinkaus claims were actually is the wedge-shaped snouts of the Neanderthal fossils and a depression in the back of their heads, instead of a bulge. These differences in their findings were actually the result of their different attacks on the topic. Trinkaus point of view was more on the aspect of the physical differences that species has undergone. He attributed the size and built of the unearthed specimen as a character of the Neanderthals, while having features the same of that of the early modern human beings. He didn’t consider the possibility of a species variation, like when there are tall and short human beings. Schwartz and Tatersall considered the aspect of this species variation, and have dismissed the findings of Trinkaus. But they have agreed with the similarity which was brought about by the genetic makeup of the Neanderthals and the human beings. Furthermore, their idea dismisses the possibility of interbreeding happening on early modern human beings and the Neanderthals. Though they have almost the same genetic makeup, it doesn’t mean that they are able to interbreed with each other, though they are different species. What the genetic similarity would establish is that they are both coming from the same lineage, the same ancestry, that have branched out hundred of thousand years ago. In the advent of technology, researchers are able to find that Neanderthals are similar to that of the early modern human beings. Because of these they were able to establish that we came from the same ancestry as that of the Neanderthals. There were researches that points out that the present day human beings might have been the result of the interbreeding between the early modern humans and the Neanderthals, but there are also researches that dismisses this findings. We share the same lineage as that of the early hominid Homo neanderthalensis but it doesn’t necessarily mean that we are the result of them interbreeding with early modern human beings. The idea is nonetheless probable, but is close to being implausible. References: Billings, Lee. â€Å"Genetic and Fossil Evidence Comes Together to Reveal a Hidden Chapter of Human History.†Ã‚   2006. Neanderthals in Our Midst.   Seed Magazine. May 7 2007. Gianaro, Catherine. â€Å"Humans, Neanderthals Share Common Ancestry, yet Have Nothing in Common after Evolutionary Split of Two Species†.   2006.   University of Chicago Chronicle. May 7 2007. Hsu, Steve. â€Å"Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding â€Å".   2006.   Information Processing. May 7 2007. Mozes, Alan. â€Å"Neanderthal DNA Shows No Interbreeding with Humans, the Two Groups Do Share 99.5 Percent of Their Genes, However†.   2006.   Health On the Net Foundation. May 7 2007. Yarris, Lynn, and Edward Rubin. â€Å"Neanderthal Genome Sequencing Yields Surprising Results and Opens a New Door to Future Studies†.   2006.   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. May 7 2007.       How to cite Neanderthals/Modern Human Interbreeding, Essay examples

One Wod Changed Over Time Nigger Essay Example For Students

One Wod Changed Over Time: Nigger Essay My niggas. Some niggas that you dont wanna try. My niggas. Some niggas thats really do or die. My niggas. Aint no longer living a lie. My niggas is stong. My niggas is real. Does this artist use the word nigger in the same way that racists have and still are? The answer to this question is a simple one- no. Todays urban society have changed, not only the definition, but also the spelling of this word, which was once used to belittle those of African-American decent. Now, the definition as proved through todays urban youth holds many denotations- positive and negative. But has the definition really changed? Or are todays urban society just being ignorant and socially blinded by the hardships of our ancestors as they continue to use a word that held such great racial tension when used in the 1800s? Two answers for this one- yes and no. Yes the definition has changed, but not totally to where its precedent has been forgotten. In fact, urban youth are so socially powerful that they can take a word and totally flip it and use it within themselves but when one of another race uses it, they return it back to the old defini tion and the racial remarks commence. The definitions of the word nigger are as follows:1.a Negro 2.loosely or incorrectly applied to members of dark-skinned race 3.a vulgar offensive term of hostility and contempt as used by Negrophobes Nigger (etymology)1.Latin niger becomes Spanish and Portugese Negro used in France for black man especially in Africa adapted by the English2.latin niger, for black, occurs in such river names as the Rio Negro in South America and the Niger f Central West Africa. When used by a white person to describe a black or African American person, this can be the most hateful hurtful, offensive term in the language today. This word in American speech dates back to the late 16th century, although the modern spelling doesnt appear until two centuries later. The obsolete spelling niger dates to 1574. It derives from the Latin niger meaning black. It shares this common root with negro. The first recorded use of the word nigger was in 1786 in a poem by Robert Burns yet variations on it including negar, neger, and niger are recorded two centuries before then. The offensiveness of the term has increased over time, especially in the 20th century. Two 16th century quotes that are commonly cited in dictionaries are from scholarly tracts. A 1700 quote by judge Samuel Sewall uses the term in a denunciation of slavery. Gradually, however, polite discourse increasingly used the term negro (which dates to at least 1555) and nigger became relegated to the vulgar tongue, increasing in offensiveness over the centuries. So for instance, when Mark Twain uses the word in Huckleberry Finn , by the standards of his day he is not being especially offensive (although even then it was a term that would not be used in polite society), but is using the term as a marker of class and socio-economic status of the characters who utter it. In the 20th century of course, it has become extremely offensive. It, along with cunt are just about the only taboo words in American discourse today (its interesting tha t the most offensive terms have strong racial or gender discrimination components). About the only acceptable use is in Black English when African-Americans use it to refer to themselves. In the O. J. Simpson trial of 1995 when evidence of its use by a detective whitness, Mark Furhman was introduced, the word became reffered to as the N-word. Mark Furhman continued to lie and say he never used the word nigger in his life, evidence of a tape recording was brought against him as he stated we have no niggers where we grew up along with many other citations. After all of the hardships the background of nigger has proven to have had on African-American ancestry, why would urban youth even insert the word into their vocabulary? And, most of the time, use it towards another of color? Because we can . Simply stated by a female of urban youth, Nina Peterson. This is

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Global Business Environment and Communication

Question: Discuss about the Global Business Environment and Communication. Answer: Importance of communication: In the present global business environment, communication has emerged as one of the major issue that organizations have to face in order to conduct its business process in an effective manner. Furthermore, global business structure induces employees to handle customers from all over the world. Therefore, employees often face difficulties in understanding the perspectives of the customers that eventually reduces the effectiveness of the operational process. Furthermore, organizations have to deal with client coming from different cultural background, which can create difficulties in developing business relations with the clients. Identification of the problem: In this competitive business environment, organizations always try to utilize several strategies to gain competitive advantage in the market. As per the article by Salas et al. (2012) utilization of business email has become one of the major tools for the organizations to maintain continues strong relationship with the clients and customers. Therefore, it has become necessary for the organizations to execute the business email process properly. However, it has been identified that employees often face difficulties in utilizing the business communication process effectively. As a result, it has affected the business relationship among the employees. Furthermore, it has been also identified that many business emails have failed to highlight important information in an appropriate manner, which creating adverse impact on the overall effectiveness of the operational process of the organization. Significance of utilizing training session for the development of effective business communication process: As per the article by Wilson (2014), organizations have to go through continues development process in order to sustain its position in the market. Therefore, training and development has become an essential part for the organizations to improve the present level of skills. Thus, organizations also have to utilize proper training and development program so that it can able to utilize effective communication system. Furthermore, employees have to provide with proper knowledge and information regarding the industry standard so that they can able to adjust themselves in an effective way. Many organizations follow specific pattern to utilize business email tools effectively. Therefore, it has become essential for the organizations to train new employees so that they can able to utilize email procedure to maintain strong relationship with the employees. Prime factors regarding effective utilization of business emails: As per the article by Noe Winkler (2012), organizations have to consider specific factors in order to utilize the business email tool in an appropriate manner. Business email plays a crucial role in maintaining strong relationship with the clients. Thus, training program regarding proper utilization of business emails will have to include the appropriate way of greeting people so that they can able to feel strong bonding between themselves. Thus, training and development procedure will have to focus on the developing strong rapport with the customers and clients. In present competitive business structure, many organizations try to utilize email technique to retain their loyal customers for the long period of time. Now, organizational training program will have to highlight the significance of mentioning names of the loyal customers to create strong inter-personal relationship with the customers. Furthermore, training program regarding proper utilization of business emails also have to include understanding different perspectives of the customers (Iqbal et al., 2014). It has been identified that many organizations has unable to cope with the challenges arising from maintaining customers from different parts of the world. Therefore, it has become necessary for the organizations to provide proper information to the employees so that they can able to communicate with clients and customers from all across the world in an effective manner. As per the article by Beebe, Mottet Roach (2012) way of writing business email is key for developing effective communication system. Thus, training program regarding proper utilization of business emails will have to include proper spacing and formatting of the email body. Organizations training program will also have to highlight the significance of mail subject, as it can provide clients an idea regarding the main body of the mail. Furthermore, organizations also will have to write the email in a specific way so that it can able to convey the message in an appropriate way. Training and development steps: As per the article by Mort Feldmann, Level Liu (2013) organizations will have to utilize systematic procedure in order to utilize the training and development procedure in an effective way. Thus, organization will have to develop three days training program so that it can able to clear doubts of the employees in an effective way. The training program will have to be conducted in such a way so that it can able to employees can able to understand different perspectives of the customers in an effective way. The training program also has to highlight the main areas that employees have to consider in order to develop a proper communication structure. Furthermore, training and development program regarding proper utilization of business email will have to highlight the significance of timely delivery of information. Training and development program will also have to include proper utilization of the assessment process of the employees. It will help the organization to identify specific ar ea that organizations will have to focus at the time of developing future plans for initiating training and development program. The organization also has to focus on the effective utilization of the reply procedure of the emails send by any client or customer. This will help organization to improve the present level of relationship with the clients, which will definitely create positive impact on the success level of the organization. Conclusion: The above analysis highlighted the fact that organizations have to utilize proper training and development procedure so that it can able to gain competitive advantage in the market. Training and development procedure helps organizations to enhance its present level of skills. Thus, it is necessary for the organization to utilize training and development procedure to develop an effective communication process for the organization. References: Beebe, S. A., Mottet, T. P., Roach, K. D. (2012).Training development: Communicating for success. Pearson Higher Ed. Iqbal, N., Ahmad, N., Haider, Z., Hamad, N., Mir, M. S. (2014). Impact of Training and Development on the Employee Performance: A Case Study From Different Banking Sectors of North Punjab.Nigerian Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review,2(4), 19-24. Mort Feldmann, L., Level, A. V., Liu, S. (2013). Leadership training and development: an academic library's findings.Library Management,34(1/2), 96-104. Noe, R., Winkler, C. (2012). Training and Development: Learning for Sustainable Management. Salas, E., Tannenbaum, S. I., Kraiger, K., Smith-Jentsch, K. A. (2012). The science of training and development in organizations: What matters in practice.Psychological science in the public interest,13(2), 74-101. Wilson, J. P. (2014). International human resource development: Learning, education and training for individuals and organisations.Development and Learning in Organizations,28(2).

Friday, April 10, 2020

Sample Essays For Mayella

Sample Essays For MayellaIf you're looking for sample essays that you can use to prepare for your mayella major, then you should probably take a look at Mayella Review. This site is one of the largest on the internet, with thousands of essays to choose from.A number of Mayella's writers are faculty members and professors at large universities. There are many members of the faculty at the University of Michigan who have successfully graduated from an online education program. They have included success stories on their websites and they have also included successful people who have applied Mayella's program to get their degree.One of the things that Mayella provides to its members is a forum where they can interact with other students. A forum is a site where members can come together and make plans on how to communicate with each other. There are several forums on the website where you can communicate with other Mayella members, like the discussion forums, the blog, the discussion bo ards, and more.A number of Mayella's writers are going to write for you in your will, so you'll need to find someone that you trust to write for you, too. You don't want to rely on your uncle, your sister, or your friend just because you think it's the safest way to go. It's important that you find a writer that you can trust.The website has an area where members can sign up and leave reviews about Mayella's writers. A member can leave a review about the student who is the one writing for him or her.The students who are joining Mayella's program often do not know the staff behind the program, or what kind of writing experience that a majority of the writers have had before Mayella. If you do this, you'll probably get the services of a person who's had a lot of experience, which is important for the success of your Mayella education.That being said, while there are a lot of experts that can help you with your Mayella, you still need to be able to write your own essays. That's why the re are so many resources on the internet where you can find sample essays.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Vincent van Goghs Joy Essay Example For Students

Vincent van Goghs Joy Essay Vincent van Gogh was a famous Dutch Post-Impressionist artist, whose unique artwork revolved around a curious joy of absorbing nature and its surroundings, then transforming what he saw into a distinctive style of expressionist art. Vincent created this distinctive style by expressing his emotions with a certain method of brush strokes and the color he blended with his brush strokes into his paintings. The van Gogh family and a number of powerful artists of that period had a great deal of influence on how Vincent van Gogh created his unique and colorful brush strokes Wallace 9. The family influence on his unique and distinctive style of art began the day he was born on March 30, 1853. Vincent was born into a family of religious and artistic relatives who were mourning the death of his older brother. Vincents brother was born and died by stillbirth on the exact date that Vincent was born, a year later. It was a very odd coincidence and even odder when their parents gave Vincent Willem van Gogh the exact name they had given his older brother. The stillborn baby was buried in a graveyard next to the familys church where his father was a Protestant minister. We will write a custom essay on Vincent van Goghs Joy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The gravestone of Vincents brother was inscribed with the words VINCENT VAN GOGH 1852 Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the KINGDOM OF GOD Sweetman 7. The death of his older brother effected Vincent throughout his life, and his curiosity of his older brother with the exact name, birth date and date of death, would take Vincent on long walks past his brothers grave. Torterolo 8. He would turn these curious walks from his home to his brothers grave into an adventure of wonder and he began exploring the colors and textures of nature. He was a typical, ordinary child with a special gift of wonder and curiosity and would spend hours examining every detail of color and texture within a flower, leaf, bush, insect and anything of nature that caught his eye. Instead of playing with other children, he would prefer to play alone outside and was drawn to discovering nature like a bee to honey. As Vincent explored the road to and from the graveyard, he examined the colors and textures on a small scale, remembering every detail at an early age. As he grew older, these details would contribute to help him paint the larger scales of landscapes, trees, skies and water. Vincents nature walks became more interesting and meaningful when his younger brother, Theodorus Theo van Gogh was able to accompany him. Theo was two years younger than Vincent and became his closest companion throughout his life. Together they would spend hours playing and exploring the Dutch countryside. Later in life, Vincent would write over 600 letters to Theo explaining the many colors he was mixing in his paintings, comparing them to the colors and textures they discovered on their nature walks when they were young boys. His mother, Anna Cornelia Carbentus who liked to sketch and paint wildflowers in her spare time as a hobby, was born into a family of art dealers. Vincents father, Theodorus Dorus van Gogh was a Protestant minister who came from a large family of religious ministers and art dealers. This combination of influences from his mothers background in art and his fathers religion became an inner struggle for Vincent. These influences also had a deep impact on his life, how he viewed art and would eventually lead him to paint with dramatic bright colors and develop his own unique style of painting. The religious background of his father drew him towards the dramatic religious experiences that were portrayed in many masterpieces of art that Rembrandt created. Rembrandts paintings were a mixture of drama and tenderness, and of dark and light colors. This mixture of drama and colors caught Vincents curiosity and became another great influence in the development of his unique color and style. The influence of these dark, dramatic, powerful scenes with light tender highlighted glows within them stayed with Vincent throughout his entire life and were revealed in many of his own paintings. .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f , .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .postImageUrl , .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f , .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:hover , .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:visited , .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:active { border:0!important; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:active , .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3cf99148ff8800778fde02dfd796477f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What influence has Vincent van Gogh EssayVincents namesake, Doruss brother, was known as Uncle Cent and was a wonderful influence in Vincents life. He introduced Vincent and Theo to the world of art by telling stories of great artists and their work. Vincent was an excellent student and loved to read. He was not sure what his career would be but he knew he had to go to work and help his family. Uncle Cent helped Vincent get started in the art world at the early age of sixteen. Uncle Cent was a respected art dealer who helped him get an apprentice position, at The Hague School south of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. This was the introduction of his life into the world of art. Vincent worked at The Hague and was intrigued by the masterpieces that he worked with on a daily basis. Vincents joy of art grew with the new and exciting experiences at his job. It was evident that he enjoyed his work when The Hague promoted him and transferred him to The Goupil in London. In London, he followed the same pattern exploring the countryside, except that his small scale of evaluating color and texture, grew from evaluating flowers, leaves, bushes, and insects to a larger scale of historical architecture, bridges, and famous sculptures. He would take many long walks to and from work reviewing every detail of architecture and style of the decorative buildings of London. Living in London became a turning point in Vincents life. He was very happy working at his job and he met his landowners daughter, Eugenie and secretly fell in love with her. Eugenie did not share his affections and rejected any relationship with Vincent. He was devastated and Eugenies rejection started a series of deteriorating events in Vincents life. This deterioration was reflected in his work at The Goupil and eventually he was fired. He was no longer interested in anything in life except religion. He became obsessed with religion and was developing a negative outlook towards society. After being fired from The Goupil, his life took a gloomy turn for the worse. Vincent moved to Borinage, a coal-mining district in Belgium. The dark, dismal poverty stricken lifestyle of Borinage attracted Vincent. Although he was obsessed with religion and thought he needed to endure hardship of any kind, he was a sensitive and good- hearted individual and sincerely felt that this was his calling in life. He was so absorbed in his own life he did not understand the balance of eating versus not eating, giving his own clothes to people in need, ending up with rags for himself. This behavior began to take a toll on his mental and physical health. It was uncanny that he could function within a normal world during this period, but it also seemed that his main concern was to describe this way of life in letters to Theo Van Gogh The Letters. His dismal life in Borinage, came close to causing his death, but these letters to Theo seemed to keep him in reality. The letters Vincent wrote to Theo were an outlet from living in Borinage and eventually gave him strength to overcome his obsession of wanting to live like a martyr. He left the Borinage moved home to his parents home and began to paint. His first attempt at using color was without instruction and based on what he knew from the outside natural environment. As a result, he experimented with primary colors and used more earth tones and black and color mixtures. He became very obsessed with painting and tried to portray his martyr like experiences in the Borinage of Belgium on canvas. Using field workers as models, he created a painting called The Potato Eaters Van Gogh The Paintings. The Potato Eaters portrayed the dismal, dark colors of his Borinage experience and conveyed a new result for Vincents color and method in his paintings Table 1. Table 1 The Potato Eaters Vincent felt this was the best artwork he had ever created. He was excited and started making plans to move to Paris and become an artist when his father suddenly died. His life was so isolated and unrealistic that his fathers death did not seem to impact him at all. .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa , .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .postImageUrl , .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa , .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:hover , .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:visited , .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:active { border:0!important; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:active , .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2c580fb8ec8f981471b4ff07485eeefa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Van Gogh and Kandinsky EssayVincent moved to Paris where he moved in with his brother Theo and looked at color differently than the dark dismal shadows he had seen in Borinage. Vincent saw color in a new way: the powerful light he had admired in the art of Rembrandt and Tintoretto turned into the delicate tonal gradations that characterize his Parisian landscapes Torterolo 40. Vincent became interested in the mixture of color in paints and knew he needed instruction, so he enrolled in the famous Parisian studio by Cormon. The action of enrolling in a studio was remarkable for Vincent as he was never comfortable taking instruction of art from anyone. He had grown from a very sweet inquisitive child into a martyr wanting to express his oppressive experiences in art and now wanting to learn and develop a new experience of color and method in his paintings. All in all, this remarkable, positive move to Paris, enrolling in the studio by Cormon, was such an improvement to his lifestyle, that one could actually see it in his choice of color and brushstrokes with which he painted. From his studio experience, he learned how colors were created on canvas without the natural light of nature and his thick application of paint and color to the canvas was very different from the applications of other artists of that period. His instructor thought this was an odd way of applying paint to canvas and was very harsh and critical of his style and methods. Vincent was more critical of his style than his instructor, and worked harder at perfecting his style and methods. He loved the bright, vibrant colors he produced and continued to paint them in the future. His unique method of painting consisted of his emotions, styles of brush strokes and mixtures of color within his brush strokes. Author, Robert Wallace, described Vincents method of painting as: It was a method to fuse what he saw, and what he felt, as quickly as possible into statements that were revelations of himselfWallace 7. This description was an exact overview of his short career as a painter. Table 2 Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat The painting method that he developed over the short span of his career was short, abrupt, brush strokes leaving thick lines of paint on the surface of the canvas. His work titled Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat revealed the thick lines of paint which were transformed into different shades of color as the brushstroke continued across the canvas Table 2. Another example of his famous artwork was named Starry Night. This painting illustrated the different shades of color by the movement and swirling motions of his paintbrush Table 3. Table 3 Starry Night Towards the end of his life, Vincents emotions and his declining health, revealed a more dramatic spontaneous brushstroke and color mixture. His unique emotional use of color within his paintings was a variety of primary colors reduced and enhanced in his painting titled Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries de-la-Mer Table 4. Table 4 Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries de-la-Mer A wonderful tribute to accompany Vincent van Goghs art was his personal letters he wrote to his brother Theo expressing his inner feelings of the artwork he created. The letters coincide with his art and explained events in his life of how he developed the unique style and color of his paintings Van Gogh The Letters. The combination of his art and writings revealed his joy of peaceful walks through nature and then producing vibrant colorful works of art from his visions.