Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obesity The Elusive Murderer Essay - 985 Words

There is a silent killer invading many countries across the world. The elusive murderer is called obesity. Obesity can be caused and prevented several ways. The health risks caused by obesity get worse the more obese people are or the higher Body Mass Index (BMI) people have. Many diseases and life-threatening problems occur while obese. Obesity, a plague that is infecting millions every year, is caused by several personal habits and can generate many life-threatening problems. Obesity is gradually growing all across the world. There are many sad predictions being made about obesity rates. In fourteen years, about 186 million adults are said to be overweight in Africa, and about one fifth of adults will have BMI values over 30 (Fitness and Wellness Week). It is sad to see that people not only in America but in Africa are not taking care of their bodies. Obesity is spreading fast in the United States also. 70.7 percent of adults who are 20 years old or over are overweight or obese (Health, United States, 2015, table 53). Also, about 32% of children are overweight or obese (Eunice Shriver). In the last 2 decades, obesity rates have elevated monumentally. Obesity rates have increased in the developing countries, mostly during the last 20 years. They are going through rapid demographic and nutritional changes, with large changes in diet and lifestyle, which will increase the prevalence of some important cardiovascular risk factors (Ada Cuevas, Verà ³nica Alvar ez, CristinaShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Silent Killer Invading Many Countries Across The World Essay1000 Words   |  4 PagesMichael Mosura Mr. Johnston English II 19 October 2016 Obesity There is a silent killer invading many countries across the world. The elusive murderer is called obesity. Obesity can be caused and prevented several ways. The health risks caused by obesity get worse the more obese people are or the higher Body Mass Index (BMI) people have. Many diseases and life-threatening problems occur while obese. Obesity, a plague that is infecting millions every year, is caused by several personal habits andRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesinï ¬â€šuencing both the variables under investigation. A high correlation in many uncontrolled studies carried out in different settings can also marshal support for causality—as in the case of cigarette smoking and cancer—but proving causality is an elusive task. ââ€"   Exercises 5.1–5.16 ..................................................................................................................... 5.1 For each of the following pairs of variables, indicate whether you would expect a positive correlation

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