Sunday, May 3, 2020

Global Business Environment and Communication

Question: Discuss about the Global Business Environment and Communication. Answer: Importance of communication: In the present global business environment, communication has emerged as one of the major issue that organizations have to face in order to conduct its business process in an effective manner. Furthermore, global business structure induces employees to handle customers from all over the world. Therefore, employees often face difficulties in understanding the perspectives of the customers that eventually reduces the effectiveness of the operational process. Furthermore, organizations have to deal with client coming from different cultural background, which can create difficulties in developing business relations with the clients. Identification of the problem: In this competitive business environment, organizations always try to utilize several strategies to gain competitive advantage in the market. As per the article by Salas et al. (2012) utilization of business email has become one of the major tools for the organizations to maintain continues strong relationship with the clients and customers. Therefore, it has become necessary for the organizations to execute the business email process properly. However, it has been identified that employees often face difficulties in utilizing the business communication process effectively. As a result, it has affected the business relationship among the employees. Furthermore, it has been also identified that many business emails have failed to highlight important information in an appropriate manner, which creating adverse impact on the overall effectiveness of the operational process of the organization. Significance of utilizing training session for the development of effective business communication process: As per the article by Wilson (2014), organizations have to go through continues development process in order to sustain its position in the market. Therefore, training and development has become an essential part for the organizations to improve the present level of skills. Thus, organizations also have to utilize proper training and development program so that it can able to utilize effective communication system. Furthermore, employees have to provide with proper knowledge and information regarding the industry standard so that they can able to adjust themselves in an effective way. Many organizations follow specific pattern to utilize business email tools effectively. Therefore, it has become essential for the organizations to train new employees so that they can able to utilize email procedure to maintain strong relationship with the employees. Prime factors regarding effective utilization of business emails: As per the article by Noe Winkler (2012), organizations have to consider specific factors in order to utilize the business email tool in an appropriate manner. Business email plays a crucial role in maintaining strong relationship with the clients. Thus, training program regarding proper utilization of business emails will have to include the appropriate way of greeting people so that they can able to feel strong bonding between themselves. Thus, training and development procedure will have to focus on the developing strong rapport with the customers and clients. In present competitive business structure, many organizations try to utilize email technique to retain their loyal customers for the long period of time. Now, organizational training program will have to highlight the significance of mentioning names of the loyal customers to create strong inter-personal relationship with the customers. Furthermore, training program regarding proper utilization of business emails also have to include understanding different perspectives of the customers (Iqbal et al., 2014). It has been identified that many organizations has unable to cope with the challenges arising from maintaining customers from different parts of the world. Therefore, it has become necessary for the organizations to provide proper information to the employees so that they can able to communicate with clients and customers from all across the world in an effective manner. As per the article by Beebe, Mottet Roach (2012) way of writing business email is key for developing effective communication system. Thus, training program regarding proper utilization of business emails will have to include proper spacing and formatting of the email body. Organizations training program will also have to highlight the significance of mail subject, as it can provide clients an idea regarding the main body of the mail. Furthermore, organizations also will have to write the email in a specific way so that it can able to convey the message in an appropriate way. Training and development steps: As per the article by Mort Feldmann, Level Liu (2013) organizations will have to utilize systematic procedure in order to utilize the training and development procedure in an effective way. Thus, organization will have to develop three days training program so that it can able to clear doubts of the employees in an effective way. The training program will have to be conducted in such a way so that it can able to employees can able to understand different perspectives of the customers in an effective way. The training program also has to highlight the main areas that employees have to consider in order to develop a proper communication structure. Furthermore, training and development program regarding proper utilization of business email will have to highlight the significance of timely delivery of information. Training and development program will also have to include proper utilization of the assessment process of the employees. It will help the organization to identify specific ar ea that organizations will have to focus at the time of developing future plans for initiating training and development program. The organization also has to focus on the effective utilization of the reply procedure of the emails send by any client or customer. This will help organization to improve the present level of relationship with the clients, which will definitely create positive impact on the success level of the organization. Conclusion: The above analysis highlighted the fact that organizations have to utilize proper training and development procedure so that it can able to gain competitive advantage in the market. Training and development procedure helps organizations to enhance its present level of skills. Thus, it is necessary for the organization to utilize training and development procedure to develop an effective communication process for the organization. References: Beebe, S. A., Mottet, T. P., Roach, K. D. (2012).Training development: Communicating for success. Pearson Higher Ed. Iqbal, N., Ahmad, N., Haider, Z., Hamad, N., Mir, M. S. (2014). Impact of Training and Development on the Employee Performance: A Case Study From Different Banking Sectors of North Punjab.Nigerian Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review,2(4), 19-24. Mort Feldmann, L., Level, A. V., Liu, S. (2013). Leadership training and development: an academic library's findings.Library Management,34(1/2), 96-104. Noe, R., Winkler, C. (2012). Training and Development: Learning for Sustainable Management. Salas, E., Tannenbaum, S. I., Kraiger, K., Smith-Jentsch, K. A. (2012). The science of training and development in organizations: What matters in practice.Psychological science in the public interest,13(2), 74-101. Wilson, J. P. (2014). International human resource development: Learning, education and training for individuals and organisations.Development and Learning in Organizations,28(2).

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